Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Greetings and "Heads Up!"

Greetings, Friends and Supporters of Social Justice Works: The Aaronson Fund.
SJW is a work in progress. 
Given these perilous economic times SJW: The Aaronson Fund is shifting priorities from direct fund-raising to enhancing our visibility and building our social network, connecting our dedicated CRLS social justice workers (alum) with one another and to our SJW Foundation, friends and supporters. Yes the times are perilous, but embedded within these grave challenges lie great opportunities and potential for radical restructuring and restoration. 
One step towards this is the establishment of my new blog "Social Justice Works" with links to our webpage, sjwtheaaronsonfund.org. The blog begins as a "heads-up, you all!! These are brief remarks and speeches and I have written promoting and publicizing SJW,  and also op ed pieces and letters-to-the-editors in various publications that relate to the issues of promoting and defending social justice work in our immediate community. Read on, and talk back. Peace and justice is the journey. 


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  3. glad to see your entering the 21st century, Larry.

    for anyone reading, here is a link to an interesting piece by Fugees member John Forte, recently released from prison.

